Our commitment to safety in the workplace is supported by the management at all levels and involves closely monitoring our business units’ safety records and a policy to provide safety awareness training programmes to all employees.
It is absolutely essential that everyone works together in this approach by making safety concerns second nature. Behavioural-based safety methods can further reduce the frequency and severity of accidents in the workplace.
Safety in the workplace: our approach
Out in the field, our top priority “zero accidents” objective has given rise to several action plans:
- A programme to welcome newcomers to our worksites.
- Personalised accompaniment of new and temporary employees, as well as sub-contractors.
- Awareness building to promote compliance in wearing personal protective gear.
- Risk assessment, crossed audits.
- Dedicated training programs at the VINCI Energies Academy.
- VINCI Innovation Award: each year, VINCI rewards the brightest ideas coming from our employees. Among several categories, a Safety Award recognises the invention or adaptation of devices making it possible to improve safety on our worksites.
An annual event dedicated to safety in the workplace
To spur greater awareness among all employees, to encourage more debate and deal with safety and health issues in the workplace, we organise an annual “Safety Week“. During a week, all our employees at the sites and in the offices, meet in small groups to discuss this common theme together.